by B.J. on 8/22/2002 07:54:00 AM 0 comments Print this post

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I just awoke to the tune of my little 4'9 sister beating me in my job. Haha, maybe that's a sign that I should go back to work, but I also had signs that I would die on Tuesday with my headache and sore shoulders. I think it was also because of that stupid falling tooth dream of BStingol's, who's walls are as thick as her forearms. I was convinced that everything was going downhill. Everyone else was joining the wall party the NOW-UNRESPECTED one flamed up. Or no just Sue. Uncool ! I'm crashing the walls like Blue Crush. I c u like a hospital. Sharlene and Stingol Jr rule.

The first thing I see when I wake up is this mulatto, chunky, balding, squinting new weatherman on NBC that replaces that brown bar of sunshine that is Christopher Nance. This new dude, John, tried real hard to be like Christopher, whom no one should try be like. He tried to crack the audience up with lame jokes that he laughed at to make them seem funny. The perennially-cheery-its-scary Christopher Nance always chants at the 6:45 "Let's take our morning jawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwg around the Southland," so John tried that, and miserably failed, ceasing his yelling at "Let's", after realizing how lame it was and quickly whispering in "take our morning jog around the Southland." The whole scene was so bad that an indifferent-faced (that is a what-the-hell-are-you-doing-face ?) Kelly "boobies" Mack subtly told him on camera "to take a rest."

On the Today Show, the guy who dissed Blue Crush and Austin Powers 3 loves One Hour Photo with Robin Williams and Spy Kids 2 and it's fantastic gadgets. One thing I do like about GWB is that he runs avidly. He actually granted an interview to Runner's World and was on the Front Cover. This Runner's World editor, Bob Wischnia, wearing his "runner shoes" to staple down the idea that he himself was a "runner", described GWB as articulate and whatever. He came up with answers in bursts instead of smoothly and continously. Interviewed by a leggy straight-haired redhead in red, he giggled like my sister when she's "gossiping" with her friends. That's a runner for ya.


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