by B.J. on 10/26/2002 09:49:00 PM 0 comments Print this post

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[Edit 11/07/03: The Non-Academic Aspects of Santa Cruz. In conjunction with the Academics and based on what I learned in my whole first month]

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Cool stuff to see:

- We got Caves up in this college. Caves ! Not that I think it's cool or anything, but it is something to brag about.

- And we also have some cool Biking Trails. . .too bad I forgot how to and don't have one [Note 11/07/03: I have since re-learned, but have grown to become more paranoid of riding it].

- Banana Slugs

Famous folk here:

- Ben Stein taught here and complained of the "billowing cloud of marijuana he walked through everyday as an RA"

- John Travolta wore a shirt that UC-Santa Cruz Banana Slugs in Pulp Fiction

- Quntin Tarantino [of Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill] went here, apparently, based on hearsay

[Nicholas Cage, Chuck D, Jesse Jackson, Zion I, Michael Moore, Ozomatli have all made stops here]

- Some dude from Sublime went here and did heroin, again based on hearsay


- Super diversity of music from classic rock to classical to underground hip-hop. It's

- " " movies

- Eye candy everywhere (Even though mine are averted to the trees and the words in my books). Looks like a Budweiser commercial here.

- Exercising is for everyone, not just the high school jackasses on teams

- To those who want to reach a level of self-actualization, you can "discover" yourself by sitting in some part of the forest and by thinking how much you miss people



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