by B.J. on 11/29/2002 04:49:00 PM 0 comments Print this post

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Personally, I was just content with sitting down all day and studying up for the finals on Monday and Tuesday. But wow, out of the blue. . .Thanks Keith, Bel, and Jason for making an otherwise moderate Thanksgiving a super happy one. I hope you guys enjoyed the scenic, tree-filled, dirty walks and drives from the empty East Remote Parking Lot to my shitty empty dorm (Cowell) and back to the empty East Remote Parking Lot to the hippie-laiden, people-empty downtown SC to the chilly boardwalk to the dead wharf with expensive, half-assed food and a gay waiter who wouldn't smile at Bel back to hippie-laiden, people-empty downtown SC in the dark to my shitty empty dorm on the Eastside (Cowell) to the spacious, people-filled dorms on the Westside (Oakes) to the dimly-lit pool lounge where that fat fuck told us to shut up because he couldn't concentrate on watching the SUBTITLED version of Y Tu Mama Tambien, back to my shitty dorm on the Eastside (Cowell) and back to the parking lot. HELLA walking, and you fools stole my bed. Thinking about that makes me mad. You boisterous bastards won't be able to stay next time unless you bring a certain someone. HAHA. Kidding about the part that I'm mad. Awesome weekend, now it's time to talk about AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY and LAW !



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