Christmas Du-Ma-ma

by B.J. on 12/09/2002 04:05:00 AM 0 comments Print this post

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I wonder how I'd be without my middle-class welfare. . .

A) Would I fold to the super stress and become a dope dealer ?


B) Would I have quite a story to tell about overcoming scrappy beginnings ?

I always THINK A, but have the gut FEELING it's B. It's a hypothetical question with no right answers. I take things as they are thrown to me, I guess. My "whatever" hippie, AP US teacher once told me NOT to WORRY about what "would" happen because these hypothetical situations can go on and on. Basically it means that "ifs" are not going to make anything happen in this world. But this particular "if" of how I'd react without middle-class welfare is IMPORTANT because it shows just how disadvantaged low-class people are. Take our INCOMPETENT president for example. . .you think he'd be running the country without his daddy being president ? Least with liberalism, we'd have a much more equal playing field. . .and a much smarter person would be president.



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