by B.J. on 12/03/2002 10:02:00 AM 0 comments Print this post

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Holistic Grading

I love SC's style of GRADING because I don't have any DEFINITIVE knowledge of how I'm doing --- that is they give me COMMENTS instead of USELESS LETTERS and NUMBERS to define myself by. At least they hold that off until the end of a quarter. Without that DEFINITIVE knowledge of how poorly or great I'm doing, I JUST KEEP PRODUCING MY BEST WORK, something I NEVER EVER really tried, much less did, in HIGH SCHOOL. I always made sure that I just got at least a 'B or even just PASSED. This new terrific style of grading really helps you focus on LEARNING, instead of grades. I guess this is why this is considered the most PROGRESSIVE UC. . .Wahoooooooooo.

Maybe I'm saying all this because I'm just growing up. . .or. . .that I got a 90/100 on my TERM PAPER for Aquatic Toxicology, a class full of JUNIORS/SENIORS. . .cause if I fucked up on that term paper or test, maybe I'd be highlighting the FUCK UPS of this school. . .



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