by B.J. on 2/23/2003 12:27:00 AM 0 comments Print this post

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SCruz Profs Have No Confidence ?

It's like PRISON. Busting through that STEEL-double-push door, and then walking to a warehouse-like atmosphere with a little coffee stand and chairs in the middle. It's like. . .GRRRREAAT. . .Cum-PYU-turrrs ! :Fake stiff-armed high-five with drums (roommate) !:

Lecture Hall B206. As bland as the CHEERLEADER, abercrobmbie-CONDESCENDING atmosphere here at Cowell.

Portrayal of ongoings at Cowell.

Anyway, class was fairly EMPTY with about 15% of 270 showing up to listen to the almighty Guy Cakes spout.

(Names have been changed to protect the innocent, but I'll tell you that its a funny name that probably packs on more misery for him)

The tone was set when he told us with a CUDDLY smile that GOING TO CLASS WOULD BE EXTRA CREDIT. This SELF-EFFACING teacher once told that masochistic, DROWSY 15% of 270 how proud he was that on average we outscored last semester's class by .3 or some other insignificant percentage, only to immediately tell us with a sheepish, that is little girl giggle, smile and a little rush in his voice, "I don't think it had anything to do with me." The sheepish smile joined up with a quick little bow and Geico-frog tone when he furthered, "CauseI'mkindaboring. . .heheh. . .heheh. . .heh, " looking to his KNOCKED OUT class for approval.

Don't do that to yourself, Guy.

I always want to cry for this guy. To soothe my empathy for Guy, Otie tells me that he probably has some other classes he enjoys, and that this HELL HOLE of a class is just go get by. I'm pretty sure he has other computer friends who listen to him. Maybe ? :smile: ? ? ?

Man, Guy should be doing better stuff cause he does have a LAW DEGREE too.

Guy, Guy, Guy. . .what the hell happened to you ?

And Guy DESTRUCTED himself like my ETOX PROF, named Russay.

And LAW PROF Soopy..

All are middle-aged, white-haired ACCOMPLISHED people. I don't get why they have to cut themselves down. Is it because they know they're boring ? Does people leaving their monstruous classes bother them more than it is supposed to ? Do they just trap themselves in the fact that they're teaching GE classes so it doesn't matter ? Either way they seem to be APOLOGIZING for not being able to give out all the information they would like too. For not making it as EASY for us as they would like too. They all seemed to rush through their lesson plans. None of them stressed the IMPORTANT CONCEPTS because they figured that the details would supplement what the students would do as homework. And guess what, students here do more dope than homework.

Seems like they get affected by college kids' apathy, because THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED in HIGH SCHOOL, where they basically STRAP you to your desk for 55 minutes, 5 times a day (at least at "Camp EL-OH-WHY-OH-EL" as a great teacher once proclaimed) and classes (technically) are about 6x smaller. ALL of these COLLEGE profs seem surprised and excited when a question pops up like a baby from Ellen DeGeneres.

Same thing is happening to my Oceans teacher.

He's balding, and seems to be going the route of the aforementioned Holy Triumvirate.

I cringed his first lecture because he was writing things on the board, that were common sense. Crap like "The sun radiates, but its very hot."

That could easily be me one day.

But this man is a ROBOT. He couldn't meet world (at least in the classroom) if. . .I don't know. . .he was living it in it. Nothing useful is ever written on the board, except his short, chopped phrases that make 0 SENSE when I'm putting them together trying to study for a midterm. When he tries to involve the class by asking questions and the class actually goes SILENT for about a split-MINUTE, he says in a I-take-it-back manner, "Yeah. . .right, so then. . ." Further complicating things is the fact that he goes too QUICKLY, as if he's being meticulously graded on his teaching by Kama Sutra Uber Professor Snodgrass. He gets CAUGHT UP in DETAIL and TRANSITION, which aren't too hot either, and NEGATES the IMPORTANT CONCEPTS.

I've noticed that he always RUBS HIS HANDS like he's just disposed of something after showing some UNLABELED graphic that no one can comprehend. When he actually points towards that unlabeled graphic, he's also almost always scratching his head like he's confused. . .stressed. . .or what. And when he's not rubbing his hands like he's washed his hands Children's Hospital style, he's got a PSUEDO-MAJESTIC armfold as if he's proven something, when in reality he's provoked more sleeping around than a Hollywood and Vine "business woman."

He knows the subject he's talking about, but he does NOTHING to make it easy for the students. And making things easy is the backbone of learning something. MAKE AND TAKE THINGS EASY by blocking out the bull and shooting straight. Please ?



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