by B.J. on 3/06/2003 09:08:00 AM 0 comments Print this post

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Ultra annoying ass

Ever since September, I've been bipolar about this school.

I've loved it in front of the LA people.

And looked like I hated in front of the actual SC people.

(Not actual sketch of asshole)

It took my friend 'Yell to confirm my suspicions that people here aren't as politically LIBERAL as I thought. Just SOCIALLY Liberal as in, it's cool to smoke, drink, and have sex. I noticed that 1st quarter in my core class when the white abercrombie tudes like talked about how rad the school system is already and how there's really a chance for everyone to succeed. And in my music of India class, there's this wide-nostrilled lanky dumbass with ever-changing hair color who sits between 5 poor hoes thinking he's the shit making annoying teardrop noises every time there's a pause in the class. He also talks during documentaries like its his most important conversation. I want to take my pencil and jab it in his fucking head so he could shut the fuck up and cease his useless abercrombie existence.

Imagine if I knew this guy. Oh man, field day ! I think it's reason enough that he's ruining the class for me. He is probably the perfect example of a SOCIAL LIBERAL: drinking, smoking, stupid shit. . .but he probably wouldn't give a shit about war or anything.

It's OK to be politically unactive, but just make sure you use your common sense. That sample idiot above doesn't have the common sense to shut the fuck up in class or even absorb anything, so why would he use it when he needed to vote ?

Damn SC. . .



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