by B.J. on 5/26/2003 01:09:00 PM 0 comments Print this post

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Playlist for this Week !

A very underground rappy week. . .I'm feeling the hip hop. Maybe because of that 'little' assortment of last week. Or maybe these hip hops have given me the jump to keep going. On the other hand, the jump has probably stopped me from working. . .

1. Zion I - Finger Paint - Busting out the creativity for the 5 papers I've got left in these 2 weeks. Holy shit people, that's a lot. : (

2. Black Eyed Peas, Justin Timberlake - Where is the Love ? - The #1 political rap song now.

3. Talib Kweli - Get By - An uplifting choir song ! Wow.

4. Zion I - Boom Bip - Puts the mind in a cool, frozen flow, with its windy, clingy, modern, UNIQUE sounding beat.

5. Zion I - Elevation - The calming influence to these intense songs.



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