by B.J. on 8/08/2003 12:39:00 AM 0 comments Print this post

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When It Becomes OK to Be an 'Asshole'

asshole - jerky, arrogant, pompous, cocky, discriminating, ignorant favorite and overdog

The only time it is cool to be an asshole yourself (and I'm thinking about beating someone up and concocting assholly opinions) is when you are the underdog. It's a good way to empower yourself. But there are two types: An underdog asshole does not trounce on the disadvantaged (correct) whereas an overdog asshole does and exploits (wrong).

As I type this blog, I am listening/watching to The Best Damn Sports Show Period on Fox Sports waiting for Jerry Krause to show up. The Best Damn Sports Show Period (BDSSP) is a show full of former athletes, owners, entertainers, and high-class hoes weighing in on sports and some of its issues and interviewing athletes in a manner affable and appealing to the 'common man.' If the common man's name was Bubba and has lived on a Montana ranch for 50 years. BDSSP is a show full of overdog assholes.

It's not OK for BDSSP to have this overabundance of athletes weighing in with their opinions because these winner assholes are overrrepresented. With overrepresentation, These 'winners' are trampling their uninformed, ignorant opinions on a plethora of stupid middle-class, quietly desperate guys. An example of this biased and assholly opinion was when one dude who was commenting on the Tom Gamboa situation (a pair of fans attacking baseball manager Tom Gamboa and got off with probation), talked about fans potentially attacking even more with such a ruling. The guy pretty much applied this one situation of a fan thinking that its a phenomenon set to spread for about 1 million idiots to believe.



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