by B.J. on 12/18/2003 11:33:00 PM 0 comments Print this post

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Tribute to Flight

The Wright Bros had the first recorded flight 100 years and 1 day ago as bicycle mechanics.

Why and How I ask did they fly.

What the hell made them want to fly ?

Was it because they noticed something out of the blue and wanted to keep experimenting ?Was it to get out of their lives as mildly successful printers and bicycle mechanics ? Was it for the money ? Was it because they wanted to carve their names in history ?

How the hell did they do it ?

Was it the twin propellers which provided the lift that constituted flight ? Was it the elevator which controlled altitude that constituted flight ? Was it the movable tail which provided the steering that constituted flight ? Was it the bicycle transmission which provided the movement that constituted flight ?

No, how the hell did t hheeeeeeyyyyyyy do it ?

Was it through dogged determination of 2 years that they fused those elements together ? Was it through them stepping out the comfort zone of their decent jobs and looking for something bigger that they fused those elements together ? Was it through determination to get off the grounds and fields which pulled them down like the grasping hand in level 8 you see in Mario 3 ? Was it through determination to get from there to here ?

I don't know. But the flight they made was geared towards getting off the ground and being able to steer. Either way away from this motherfuckin' seer I call the mound which grabs you roughly out of its fear that it can't keep you down.



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