by B.J. on 1/12/2004 04:34:00 AM 0 comments Print this post

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It's not later. It's never.

As in never going to eat at that mess hall alone again. The Cowell mess hall. On to College 9/10 when no one else wants to eat. At least there I focus more on the food than the folk. And I occasionally run into interesting people there.

In sharp contrast, the Cowell place is so cliquey and white that it umm. . .looks like a certain snowboarding place in LA County. A lot of these white guys at Cowell would probably converse with me over a dinner but it seems like they'll just stay comfortable with their own majority (white guy) group while us minorities will sort of have to "blend in" to be with "the group." Perhaps I'm focusing too much on my differences with the people there, but I'll say it's very tough to break the ice with a group of white guy friends because we really do grow up in different environments. Yes, there are similarities, but that doesn't mean it'll be easy to break the ice.



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