by B.J. on 5/04/2004 12:09:00 PM 0 comments Print this post

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My Own DOS and DONTS for How to Deal with Strep Throat

Ya'll know that I'm no doctor. But based on my horrible experience, I think I've learned a bit in treating/fighting/curing strep throat.


- Get your antibiotics RIGHT AWAY or else you'll be in your own personal hell. If you're cool with the extreme pain of not being able to ingest anything solid, then you do not need go further !

But if you want to alleviate pain and discomfort. . .

- Drink tea with honey and/or drink something. Worked the first time.

- Take ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin IB). Tylenol's acemeta-whatever sucks shit.

- Get fresh air

- Sleep with back against wall. Don't fully lie your back down.


- Eat anything acidic like oranges or drink anything acidic like orange juice. Contrary to popular belief, for strep throat, that shit just irritates the hell out of your throat.

- Tylenol liquid stuff that says for Sore Throat. They mean sore throat, not Strep Throat, and you'll probably get sore throat after you start taking it. The difference between sore throat and strep throat is that in sore throat, that miniature-punching bag in the back of your throat starts to sag. Strep throat is when there's like shit happening behind that punching bag.



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