by B.J. on 7/27/2004 03:50:00 AM 0 comments Print this post

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Hypothetical Fight
What a massive failure bringing the APL Song to MTV was.  I knew it had little chance of happening.  Great job you imagined community of Filipinos.  Fuck you once again MTV.

But anyway to release that disappointment,

There's this skinny Filipino motherfucker (actually he doesn't look like he does much of anything) who wears t-shirts that expose his biceps-of-a-10-year-old and works at the library at the front desk in front of the computer lab.  All I ever see this dude do is stare intently at his computer sometimes formulating a half-smile.  There could be a fire and he'll still be staring intently at that computer. 

I wonder how he'd do in a fight with the security guard who sits across from him.

The security guard is a nerdy looking Lurch.  He's fuckin' 7 foot 9, and hunched over at that, wearing his glasses and reading his giant-sized HTML for Complete Morons book.  It's pretty annoying/intimidating when he gets up and cruises the study room just to tell people to get their shoes off the couch.

The prediction ?

Lurch would cream Filipino guy's ass and use that cream from Filipino guy's ass as glaze on his donut.

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