by B.J. on 6/12/2005 09:09:00 PM 0 comments Print this post

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Research: I've Got Something for You

And it comes in the package of a five points rolling up into one and knocking you the hell out. If research were a person, like some asshole with some asshole face, that's what I'd do.

I really hate research where people (academics) will dictate to you what you need to be looking for either by puting a grade on your shit or whatever. Guided research. That's what I hate. It's making me hate research as a whole.

I feel like I always have the answers floating around somewhere in my head anyway if you think hard about it, like a psychic or one of thaym Injin medicine folks (say in Southeastern United States drawl), and if I throw those answers out, there will always be an equilibria of dissenters and non-dissenters. Most people according to their temperaments and politics will run with whatever answer they like, so research seems so f-ing useless.



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