by B.J. on 8/24/2002 10:10:00 PM 0 comments Print this post

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Sitting slapped up in the only room in my house with an air conditioner, I flipped my attention to this ABC special about Sports Legends, which I used to watch quite a lot as a chunky-faced wannabe-balling 13-year old, back and forth with that Snake game. The show finally hit the junction about their only female host, which erected my stance and entranced my eyes. OK not really, I just paid extra attention. Ya know I'm eyeing only 1 girl like that, haha ! (Pssst, here's a pic anyway)

Yeah, so she was hot, but I never realized how open-minded that show was. A black, female, host during the time of Ronald "women-have-no-rights-at-all" Raygun. As a 7th-grader watching this, I thought that the show was a bit quirky, as the interviewer and interviewee did some activity during the interview, and wondering what the hell all that bullshit and beating around was about. I understand now that it was to bring the interviewee's guard down. This particular blog might mean something someday when I connect concepts at SC !

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